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A Levels vs. GCSEs

Writer's picture: Ben IsaacsonBen Isaacson

Why A Levels May be Easier for Students with ADHD

The transition from GCSEs to A Levels is a significant step in the educational journey of a student. For individuals with ADHD, this transition can bring about unique challenges and opportunities. Surprisingly, most students I work with find A Levels to be more manageable than GCSEs, despite the widely held belief that A Levels are more academically demanding. This counterintuitive reality can be attributed to the nature of ADHD and its compatibility with an interest-based nervous system.

Despite the classic symptoms of ADHD: sustained attention, impulsivity, and time management etc… what is often overlooked is what I like to call an ‘interest-based’ nervous system. This means that people with ADHD tend to thrive when they are engaged in activities they find genuinely interesting or stimulating. The application of this principle to the realm of education sheds light on why A Levels may be a better fit for students with ADHD.

One of the key distinctions between GCSEs and A Levels lies in the number of subjects a student must study. GCSEs typically require students to cover a broader range of subjects, often including those they may not have a particular interest in. In the UK most schools require pupils to study at least one language at GCSE level. In contrast, A Levels allow students to specialise in a select few subjects of their choice. For students with ADHD, this can be a game-changer. The ability to concentrate and invest energy in a smaller set of subjects can be a blessing for those with ADHD. This focused approach aligns perfectly with the interest-based nervous system, as students can choose subjects they are genuinely passionate about. When a student with ADHD is passionate about a subject, their inherent tendency to become deeply engrossed in it works to their advantage, facilitating greater learning and retention.

A Levels may be academically more rigorous than GCSEs, but the reduced cognitive load from studying fewer subjects can make a significant difference for students with ADHD. Juggling multiple subjects and assignments at GCSE level can be overwhelming for individuals with attention difficulties. A Levels, on the other hand, provide a more streamlined academic experience, allowing students to allocate their mental resources more effectively.

Furthermore, the deeper level of knowledge required in A Levels often necessitates fewer exams and coursework assignments compared to the numerous assessments required for GCSEs. This reduction in assessment frequency can alleviate the stress and anxiety that students with ADHD often experience in high-pressure exam situations.

A Levels often encourage more independent learning, providing students with flexibility to explore their subjects in ways that suit their learning style. For students with ADHD, this autonomy can be empowering. Most sixth form students studying A Levels will have a number of free periods throughout the week which they can dedicate to learning as and when they like. This flexibility fosters a sense of ownership over their education, leading to less stress and overwhelm.

While A Levels are widely regarded as more academically demanding than GCSEs, they can paradoxically be more manageable for students with ADHD. The interest-based nervous system that characterises ADHD aligns well with the focused and specialised nature of A Level studies. Fewer subjects, reduced cognitive load, and increased flexibility in learning styles can all contribute to making A Levels a potentially easier journey for students with ADHD.


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